I Saw Evil Today!

Today was the day that I saw evil.  You see, evil was an ex-senator and his wife and his son and his brother and whoever else wants to suck up to him to look important.  Evil throws a disabled woman out a day before the deadline that was previously given.  Evil says one thing, then changes the rules to show his power.  Evil makes his own laws and weaklings carry out what he says because they are too weak to stand up to what the actual law says.  Evil punishes someone because he is mad at what someone else did in this disabled woman’s defense.  Evil thinks he has ultimate power…but evil is wrong.

You see, evil is nothing!  Evil is weak!  Evil is worthless!  And some day, maybe not today, but someday, evil will be punished!  You see, evil will be punished if he doesn’t bow to the Savior Jesus Christ.  Evil will be punished for an eternity.  Not just probation.  Not just 2 years.  Not just 5 years.  If this woman he is throwing out into the cold dies, not just a lifetime sentence.  Evil will be punished for eternity.  Eternity doesn’t end, it is forever and ever.

So evil thinks it won tonight.  Evil laughs and says, “Look at me!  I won!  I’m more powerful and you are nothing!”  But I say, “I am a child of God!  I have accepted His Son as my Messiah and Savior!  I win!”  God is far more powerful than you and He will reside over you forever and ever and He will remind you of what you did and you will pay!  I may not win today, but I win for eternity…a time when you will beg for a drop of water because you’re thirsty!  You will see me living in paradise, but you won’t be allowed in.  I will be filled with joy and be praising my Lord forever.  But you will be wailing, weeping, gnashing your teeth!  Unless you repent and turn from your evil ways, you will regret what you did tonight for eternity!

Now I pray that the Holy Spirit will nag at you every moment of every day, over and over and over and over and over again, then start over at night and continue in your dreams.  Because evil such as you has very little hope of ever being saved…but I pray that somehow, you will see the light and repent, because if you don’t, your life here will be to your liking…but seriously, eternity will be the most horrid thing you have ever experienced and what’s sad is, you are the one who set it up and put it in place.  You will have no one to blame!  God is all powerful over evil!

I am horrified that I met evil today…and yesterday.  Evil’s wife threatened me yesterday, then evil came and pumped his power today.  But my God is far more powerful than you and He wins!  Lord, please let me not see evil like this ever again!  Today I saw evil.  Tonight, I pray that he will find salvation.

Sincerely Me,

LuAnn Marie